Our impact
Our impact

Insights and data library

By transparently sharing our data, insights, successes, and failures, we aim to provide a comprehensive portrayal of our overall impact.  We think of impact as our "North Star", and rigorous measurement is the only way to know if we are heading in the right direction.

A field office in Kamuli District, Uganda, trains farmers on planting practices.

Four Mindsets That Accelerate Nonprofit Growth

Here, we reflect on the four mindsets we used to set targets, develop financial models, measure our impact, and build an organizational culture that helped us achieve exponential growth. Read now


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112 results
Impact study

One Acre Fund Impact and M&E Strategy

This strategy memo explains how One Acre Fund uses impact measurement to prioritize the highest impact products, phase out low-impact offerings, and constantly improve the products and services we offer.

Farm finance

Flexible Repayment at One Acre Fund

There are some common characteristics shared by smallholder farmers that demand more flexible loan
terms. This report details how One Acre Fund offers flexible repayment loans to the farmers we serve.

Farm finance

Asset Financing at One Acre Fund

One Acre Fund has created a loan product that fits the needs of these farmers. We provide tangible goods to our clients, rather than cash. This report details asset financing at One Acre Fund.

Impact study

Busia 2014 RCT summary

Summary of results from our maize yields study in Busia district, Kenya, 2014

Social enterprise

Professional Development of Field Staff

This report shares how One Acre Fund's professional development curriculum is an integral part of their mission to serve smallholder farmers and their families.

Social enterprise

Scale Innovations

This sampling of scale innovations projects suggests the magnitude of the challenges that One Acre
Fund needs to address in order to make a dent in Africa’s hunger problem.

Social enterprise

Driving Financial Sustainability

This white paper highlights how One Acre Fund's financial sustainability is a driver that creates the resources for organizational growth.


A Learning Experience: One Acre Fund Ghana Pilot

In 2010, One Acre Fund scouted and launched a pilot program in southern Ghana, about one-hour
interior from Cape Coast. This report shares the lessons learned from the launch of the pilot.


Maize as Payment in Western Kenya

In 2007 and 2008, One Acre Fund farmers in Kenya repaid their loans using their maize harvest. This report details the valuable lessons about the importance of seeking feedback from clients about repayment structure, and the necessity of balancing operational complexity with impact.


Growing Prosperity: Bain Report

This excerpt is from a larger study co-authored by Bain & Company and Acumen in November 2014. It is a portion of Chapter 4, “Repeatable Models: The key to achieving ‘good scale.’” The chapter discusses the elements of Repeatable Models.

Agricultural innovation

Managing Soil Acidity - 2014 Phase 2 Trial Report

One Acre Fund worked with various partners to better understand the science of soil pH changes and consider
ways to modify common lime application practice to suit the smallholder context.

Agricultural innovation

Low Rainfall Maize Trial 2014

One Acre Fund identified and tested low-rainfall tolerant maize varieties and maize planting techniques. These varieties and techniques were trialed on our low-rainfall research station during the long-rain season (March-August) of 2014.

Agricultural innovation

Maize-Legume Intercropping Report 2014

One Acre Fund conducted a series of maize/legume intercropping trials in western Kenya in order to determine the best management practices for intercropping with maize which included common bean, soybean, and groundnut.

Impact study

Busia 2014 RCT results

Results of our maize yields study in Busia district, Kenya, 2014

Impact study

2014 Annual Impact:

This report provides a detailed breakdown of One Acre Fund's program impact by country in 2014

Farm finance

Brookings Africa in Focus Blog

This is a blog urging AU countries, donor governments, nongovernmental organizations, and the private sector to take a bundled approach to make Africa’s agriculture potential a reality.

Farm finance

Entrepreneurship in African Agriculture

This report was authored by Agriculture for Impact, an advocacy initiative that convenes the Montpellier Panel to encourage better European donor support for the advancement of agricultural development in sub-Saharan Africa.

Impact study

Banana production white paper

This report outlines the methodology used to trial four improved banana varieties at the Kibogora research station.

Agricultural innovation

Maize Fertilizer Timing Trial Results

In 2015, One Acre Fund trialed plant morphology-based fertilizer timing training with smallholder farmers in western Kenya.