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Countries we serve


Our work in Uganda

Farmers served
1.8 M
Tree seedlings distributed
Tree nurseries

We support Uganda's farmers to gain access to cash crop markets to increase their income significantly. 

One Acre Fund has been working with smallholder farmers in Uganda since 2016. Around 70% of Uganda’s population relies on agriculture for income, but making a decent wage from staple crops is often a challenge. In 2021, we began to concentrate our efforts on helping farmers diversify their harvests with cash crops, such as coffee, chia and macadamia and build their resilience to climate change by encouraging activities like tree planting.

How We Serve Farmers

To reach as many farmers as possible, we serve them directly through our network of field officers who provide tailored training to help farmers get the most from their trees and coffee bushes. Our activities include:

  • Tailored training: We train farmers with existing coffee bushes on the best cultivation practices, helping them increase their yields. We are also scaling other promising cash crops training programs, such as chia and macadamia nuts.
  • Value addition: Working with coffee processors, exporters and buyers in Uganda to get farmers access to value-addition services and better prices. This includes a trial to help farmers with processing and market access.
  • Trees: Providing hundreds of thousands of tree seedlings to farmers, along with the training needed to ensure at least a 75% plant survival rate. 
  • Leveraging partnerships: We are building a strong network of partnerships with institutions that support our programs, such as the Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries, the Ministry of Water and Environment, the National Forestry Association, the Uganda Coffee Development Authority, and others.
Nang’endo Margaret stands next to her coffee bush in Uganda
“I’ve been really surprised by how much money I was missing out by selling fresh berries in the past. One Acre Fund arrived just at the right time because they’ve made me more optimistic of the future and I look forward to achieving everything that I dreamt of before.”

Nang’endo Margaret

Farmer from Mukono district, Uganda

Invest in Farmers

Farmers choose to work with One Acre Fund to improve their farms and their lives. A donation helps One Acre Fund serve more hard-working farm families in Uganda.

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A maize farmer sits in her field in Uganda