Countries we serve
Countries we serve


Our work in Zambia

Farmers served
4.3 M
Tree seedlings distributed
Tree nurseries

Our tree program in Zambia is helping farmers overcome a unique set of challenges.

We operate throughout Central and Southern Province, including Chibombo, Chisamba, Kapiri Luano, Mkushi, Serenje, Kalomo, and Choma Districts, where the majority of the population relies on agriculture for their livelihoods.

The program started in 2015. In recent years, we pivoted to a climate-smart agriculture-based program in response to the unique challenges faced by smallholder farmers—including the price volatility of staple crops, the high cost of supplies, and low productivity due to soil and weather conditions.

How We Serve Farmers

We serve farmers by supporting household food security and through our agroforestry program. We do both of these through;

  • Access to quality products and services: We serve farmers directly via our network of field officers who provide tailored training to help farmers grow strong, healthy trees, improve their soils, and achieve big crop harvests. Tree farmers are provided with a package of agroforestry trees and the training to ensure high survival and strong tree growth. 
  • Access to credit: Farmers can access annual crop finance and inputs to meet their short-term needs. 
  • Carbon markets: Smallholder farmers have access to the carbon markets and receive carbon credit payments for the growth of their trees, which provides an additional annual income source. 
  • Diversifying our tree offerings: We are including Faidherbia Albida (musangu), gliricidia, moringa, and fruit trees—to provide various solutions from medicinal use to food, timber and beyond.

Leveraging partnerships: We work closely with local leaders and the government to roll out the program and incorporate social behavior change to help increase the adoption of agroforestry. Our ultimate goal is to convert more farmland to agroforestry farmland.

A tree nursery manager in Zambia waters some tree seedlings
Trees offer many benefits to farmers


Invest in Farmers

Farmers choose to work with One Acre Fund to improve their farms and their lives. A donation helps One Acre Fund serve more hard-working farm families in Zambia.

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A farmer stands proudly with a tree sapling he's growing in Zambia
