Female small farmer and her crops

Invest in small-scale farms in Sub-Saharan Africa.

Farmers choose to work with One Acre Fund to improve their farms and their lives. Your donation helps One Acre Fund deliver services to a farm family for a full year.

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A farmers stands smiling in her field with her jembe slung over her shoulder
Tulalumba Luvinga inspecting her crops
"Farming and the salon business have given me the means to provide for my daughter and educate her."

Tulalumba (Tula) Luvinga

Farmer and business owner, South Kilolo - Tanzania

A picture of a smallholder farmer smiling and standing underneath maize drying from the roof. she is holding one cob of maize in her hand.

2023 Annual Report

In 2023, we continued to adapt to better serve farmers, prioritizing investments in climate resilience and creating new pathways to food and income security. In our latest annual report, we underline the transformative power of agricultural innovation on rural livelihoods and economies, and in ending global poverty. Learn more