

Growing Resilience: Farmers Lead the Way in Kenya and Rwanda

Picture a farmer in Kenya sowing seeds of managu, an indigenous leafy green packed with nutrients her children need to thrive. Or a farmer in Rwanda planting cover crops to enrich her soil and protect against erosion. These small acts of resilience are happening against a backdrop of enormous challenges: climate change, degraded soils, and rising food insecurity.


More Than A Tree: How trees are changing Esther’s future

On most days, you will find Esther Wangari tending to her farm, located deep in the heart of Kirinyaga County, in Kenya’s central highlands. Bordering her maize and beans fields, Esther’s latest passion – tree planting – thrives. For this Kenyan smallholder farmer, her new venture is more than just about planting trees; it is also about her livelihood and securing her family’s future.


The power of women smallholder farmers

Investing in women smallholder farmers like Jeanne D'Arc Mbanira is critical to significantly increasing agricultural productivity, food security, and household prosperity.


Women in Senior Leadership: Why it Matters

Michelle, our Global Director for Government Relations and Policy, talks about her career, her journey to the top, the hurdles she’s overcome along the way, and why she thinks “good girls” can get the figurative corner office.