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Global Journal Ranks One Acre Fund in Top 500 NGOs

One Acre Fund came in at number 15 on the annual list, up three places from number 18 in 2014

2015's Top 500 NGOs

On February 4th, the Swiss non-profit Global Geneva announced the publication of the 2015 edition of the Top 500 NGOs, the international ranking of the world’s top non-governmental organizations.

This year, One Acre Fund came in at number 15 on the annual list, up three places from number 18 in 2014. Other leading organizations who ranked at the top of the list included Acumen, Oxfam, BRAC, Root Capital, Landesa, and Grameen Bank. At the top of the list, Medecins San Frontieres (Doctors without Borders), has been lauded for its exemplary work in response to the Ebola crisis in West Africa.

Jean-Christophe Nothias, the ranking’s founder and former editor of the Global Journal, says a key reason for the Top 500 ranking was simply to shine a brighter light on the nonprofit sector. “A few years ago, I set out to rank NGOs,” says Nothias, “Non-profits foster tremendous changes in society, but the scant publicity around their work leaves most of us in the dark.”

The Global Journal produced the first list of Top 100 NGOs is 2012. Since then, it has refined its methodology, transitioning the ranking to the Geneva Global research team and increasing the list to include 500 NGOs throughout the world. “This year our criteria for the rankings has further evolved from the original to a broader and more inclusive account of NGO activity,” says Nothias. “The many criteria make possible a more nuanced understanding of all the great work the rankings try to highlight.”

One Acre Fund is honored to be included in a list of so many distinguished organizations, but we don't do it for the glory. The opportunity to serve farmers and their families, like Milcah Wasike and her children from western Kenya (pictured above), is it's own reward.


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