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In Ethiopia, we engage farmers in agroforestry and community-based seed multiplication to increase their incomes.

One Acre Fund works to improve the livelihoods of smallholder farmers. In Ethiopia, we engage farmers in agroforestry and community-based seed multiplication to increase farmers’ incomes and make farming systems more resilient. Engaging with local actors at every step but bringing innovative ideas from outside, we are making rural farming more market-friendly and environmentally sustainable.

The farmers we work with in Ethiopia have planted more than 30 million trees, produced over 1500 metric tonnes of improved teff seed, and improved the futures of nearly 200,000 community members. Our permanent team numbers over 180 with nearly 1,000 rural seasonal staff supporting them. Our country headquarters are in Addis Ababa and we have a large program office in Bahir Dar, plus several smaller field offices.

OAF staff speaking to farmers in Ethiopia

Vacancies in Ethiopia

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