Insights and data library
By transparently sharing our data, insights, successes, and failures, we aim to provide a comprehensive portrayal of our overall impact. We think of impact as our "North Star", and rigorous measurement is the only way to know if we are heading in the right direction.
Quality of Life Study in Kenya and Rwanda: Year 2 Results
This report summarizes the results from 2 years of data collection which examine the impact of One Acre Fund program participation on farmers' quality of life.
Teso 2017 RCT Summary
Summary of results for our maize and beans production impact study in Teso district, Kenya, 2017.
2017 Country Specific Impact Report
This report provides a detailed breakdown of One Acre Fund's 2017 program impact by country.
How Nonprofits Can Drive Healthy Growth Using SROI
This article explores why we believe social return on investment is an underutilized yet surprisingly flexible tool for making strong resource allocation decisions that maximize nonprofit impact.
2017 Randomized Control Trial Summary
One Acre Fund commissioned an RCT to study our program’s impact on maize and bean yields in the 2017 long rains season in Kenya’s Teso District.
2016 Country Specific Impact Report
This report provides a detailed breakdown of One Acre Fund's 2016 program impact by country.
Difference in Difference Impact Study
In addition to the randomized control trial (RCT), One Acre Fund uses the Difference-in-Difference (diff-in-diff) statistical technique to verify our everyday measurements. This memo covers our most comprehensive difference-in-difference studies.
Annual Impact : 2016 Country Report
This is a 2016 M& E impact report covering Kenya, Rwanda, Burundi, Uganda, Malawi and Tanzania.
Quality of Life Study in Kenya and Rwanda: Year 1 Results
This report summarizes the results from 2 years of data collection which examine the impact of One Acre Fund program participation on farmers' quality of life.
Irish Potato Fungicide (2016)
In this trial, One Acre Fund aimed to assess whether potato yields might increase from the application of
Mancozeb fungicide to control late blight. This data was used to evaluate the potential impact of helping farmers gain access to fungicides.
Sorghum Fertilizer and Planting Methods (2016)
This report shares the results of sorghum research conducted to determine the effect of using recommended One Acre Fund planting methods and fertilizer on yield and profit, compared with local planting practices.
Actionable Measurement: Getting from “Prove” to “Improve”
There’s a set of common questions every direct-service nonprofit should answer to maximize learning, action, and impact.
Measuring farm profit
Measuring farm profit is surprisingly complicated. This paper explains the assumptions we make when calculating farm profit, and why.
Comprehensive Impact Report
This report takes stock of One Acre Fund’s M&E as we complete our first decade of operation, highlighting lessons learned, methods we have refined, and areas for further improvement.
A Decade of Measurement and Impact
This Comprehensive Impact Report aims to take stock of One Acre Fund’s M&E in its first decade of operation, highlighting lessons learned, methods we have refined, and areas for further improvement.
Kenya Maize Storage Loan Trial
One Acre Fund invested in post-harvest storage products to overcome the biophysical barriers to farmers storing grain, allowing them to take advantage of seasonal price fluctuations. In 2014 and 2015, One Acre Fund trialed a home storage loan program to test various methods to overcome financial burdens.
PICS Storage Bag Scale-Up
One Acre Fund Tanzania sought to encourage farmers to shell and store their maize early. One Acre Fund Tanzania performed several phases of trials with PICS bags, beginning with an assessment of impact and then moving on to adoption/feasibility.
Irish Potato Intercropping - Rwanda (2016)
In Rwanda in 2016, One Acre Fund conducted a trial of Kinigi potatoes in non-traditional areas, both mono cropped and intercropped with maize, in order to test yields and farmer opinions of the variety in those areas and to determine if it would be more profitable to promote potatoes in monocropped or intercropped systems.
Maize MLND Variety Test
This report shares the results from the One Acre Fund Research Station: Gucha-Kisii Crop Research Station of a potential MLND resistant variety that was tested for performance against a currently offered maize variety in the presence of MLND.
Maize Legume Rotation Trial (2016)
This report shares the results from Ekero Crop Research Station where One Acre Fund tested the effect of growing maize in the long-rain season after growing soybeans or bush beans in the preceding short-rain season.
Spillover Effect Kenya Analysis
This report reviews an analysis One Acre Fund undertook to better understand the extent to which farmers who live in our program areas, but who are not enrolled in the program, still receive some program benefit.
2015 Country Specific Impact Report
This report provides a detailed breakdown of One Acre Fund's 2015 program impact by country.
Optimizing Maize Variety Adoption and Performance 2015 Trial Report
This report highlights the findings of the 2015 long rains season trials conducted in Kenya, where One Acre Fund sought to better understand maize variety performance and the critical drivers of farmer variety selection and retention.
Rwanda Seeding Rate Data
This data is from One Acre Fund seeding rate trials from 5 AEZs in Rwanda in 2016A to 2019B seasons.