How we measure success
How we measure success

Insights and data library

By transparently sharing our data, insights, successes, and failures, we aim to provide a comprehensive portrayal of our overall impact.  We think of impact as our "North Star", and rigorous measurement is the only way to know if we are heading in the right direction.


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6 results

Rolling Distribution in Rwanda

In 2013, One Acre Fund Rwanda decided to trial the drop distribution method used by our Kenya
program. In 2014, Rwanda scaled up drop distribution across the entire country operation. This report shares why rolling distribution allowed One Acre Fund to grow its program in Rwanda and was an effective distribution method for years and how it became untenable.


Larger Group Size in Rwanda

One Acre Fund serves farmers in a group lending model. The hypothesis was that it might be easier, as well as less risky, to drive up clients per group than to form brand-new groups. This report shares why problems emerged and the lessons learned.


Lessons from One Acre Fund’s First Uganda Pilot

In 2008, One Acre Fund conducted a pilot in eastern Uganda, which was its first pilot program outside of Kenya. This report details the lessons learned from the lack of success in this pilot program.


Maize as Payment in Western Kenya

In 2007 and 2008, One Acre Fund farmers in Kenya repaid their loans using their maize harvest. This report details the valuable lessons about the importance of seeking feedback from clients about repayment structure, and the necessity of balancing operational complexity with impact.


A Learning Experience: One Acre Fund Ghana Pilot

In 2010, One Acre Fund scouted and launched a pilot program in southern Ghana, about one-hour
interior from Cape Coast. This report shares the lessons learned from the launch of the pilot.