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Avocado Booklet

One Acre Fund’s mantra is “Farmers First”. We do this by supporting farmers to improve production, quality, and sustainability to impact the livelihoods of African smallholder farmers.

We support 1.5 million farmers and aim to reach 10 million by 2030. Our work involves connecting farmers with markets, including processing and selling Avocado directly from our smallholder farmers in Central Kenya. Offering better prices for their crops is core to our mission.

With a production capacity of over 1000 tons of Avocado raw material, our experienced team focuses on delivering the highest quality products, aligned with our quality certifications. To achieve this, we work closely with farmers by offering extension services that help farmers meet different certification requirements and get certified. For example, there are 5627 farmers certified with Global GAP and 2329 farmers certified with Rainforest Alliance.